Growing up I always wanted to be a chef, but I had one small, tiny thing stopping me from realising my dream… sadly I was and still am a rubbish cook! I will literally burn water I am that bad. But there was one thing I did make as a small child that was wonderful, beautiful and made me think I could be the “Le Cordon Bleu” chef I always wanted to be. If only it wasn’t a Hedgehog Cake, one of the easiest cakes anyone could ever make! There are many great styles and recipes for hedgehog cakes to take inspiration from, but here are what I think are ten of the very best ways to make one…
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Buttons
I think that for me this is the classic style of hedgehog cake. Featuring chocolate buttons style spikes and a forked dragged in icing style body it is the one that I remember making the most as a child. Although of course mine looked nothing like this one sadly.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Fingers
This one is not going to win any cake of the year award anytime soon. But to be fair to it, it does look tasty regardless of how it looks. With chocolate shaving back and chocolate fingers as spikes, it is probably what most of us would end up making if we tried.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Sprinkles
Have to say that never seen a hedgehog cake made in this style before. With chocolate hundreds and thousands as the back and an actual hedgehog shaped cake, it is unique and for that reason and well worth including in this post.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Buttons
This one is very much the same as we saw in number 9, only this time mummy has brought babies. One particular feature that is worthy of mention is the babies only have half chocolate buttons inserted rather than the mummy hedgehog that has full-size buttons.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Toblerone
Well now we are getting to the more creative ones this rather impressive hedgehog cake made with chocolate Twiglets style whiskers, a Malteser nose, and Toblerone spikes is a fantastic design. And of course, because the Toblerone is spiked anyway there is no need to insert anything else.
Hedgehog Cake Made With White Chocolate Shards
It is not very often you will come to see an albino hedgehog but I suppose it must happen now and again. And that is where the motivation behind the hedgehog cake stands with a white body rather than a brown man and white chocolate shards it is definitely one of the most unusual you’ll see.
Hedgehog Cake Made With White Chocolate Twiglets
Looking more like something you might see in a Roald Dahl book rather than under a hedge it is definitely one that brings a simple smile to the face. But if I’m slightly honest those long chocolate Twiglet spikes are a little scary or maybe it is those eyes that seem to look deep within you.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Buttons
Well, this one is made with a very familiar chocolate buttons spikes style it is, of course, the hand-piped body that makes it stand out from the crowd. You just don’t get that many curly-haired hedgehogs but when you do they really do look amazing.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Chocolate Sprinkles
This is, of course, the hedgehog cake we all wish we could make with chocolate hundreds and thousands as the main body, antique cartoon styled face it really is one of the best hedgehog cakes I’ve ever seen in my life. But it doesn’t make it to my number one because the fact is I simply couldn’t reproduce it even if I tried.
Hedgehog Cake Made With Cadburys Chocolate Flakes
And so we come to the number one hedgehog cake. Is it the smarties nose that wins? Or is it the chocolate drop eyes? Well… no, of course not. It is that absolutely stunning chocolate flake spiked body. It looks amazing and one of the best cakes you could make with a load of Cadburys flakes.
Which of these cakes do you like the most? Have you ever made, or tasted one? Do let us know in the comments below!