Ten Drinks That Can Help You Look, Feel And Live Younger

Ageing is an inevitable life process that will go on at its own rate. However, every person on this earth wants to stay young and look beautiful. Although the process of ageing cannot be stopped, we can try our best to delay it. Keeping one’s mind and body fresh and healthy will automatically make you look young. However, eating the right kind of food and having the right nutrients is also essential for a youthful radiance. There are certain drinks, the intake of which can add some of the years to your mid-age. One can term the following drinks as anti-ageing drinks too because of their benefits.

Fresh mint tea

Mint tea is low in calories, a great palate cleanser and has traditionally been used to aid digestion. Wash and tear up a handful of mint leaves, add to a small teapot and top up with boiling water. Avoid Moroccan mint tea in restaurants, as it can be loaded with sugar.



Though it may sound strange to many, but daily small intake of mild alcohol keeps you protected from critical disorders like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Drinking wine also reduces ulcer-causing bacteria. Red wine contains resveratrol that slows cellular ageing. It’s a matter of moderation, not cutting it out of your life altogether.


Cocoa contains an important ingredient called flavanol that ensures that your blood flows smoothly with the right concentration as well as circulation and remains perfect. People having coffee are said to possess a healthier heart and better blood circulation. Cocoa also contains theobromine, which acts as a vasodilator that increases the blood flow to the surface of the skin that prevents it from drying out. Thus cocoa alleviates sun damage and slows down the ageing process.

Green Tea

Green Tea

With the passing of time, green tea has earned the reputation of being one of the best antioxidants. It destroys free radicals and also helps in the cell renewal process and prevents premature ageing. Regular intake of green tea prevents lethal diseases like heart strokes, cancer, etc. Stress has a tremendous negative impact on one’s mind and body. It makes you lose your charm and beauty. The antibacterial content in it, known as catechins, reduces the over-stimulation of the skin hormones, thus improving the overall appearance of the skin. Green tea relieves you from any kind of stress and provides you with mental peace which is very important for keeping yourself young.


Milk is a drink which possesses all nutrients in variable amounts. Milk provides vitamins, minerals, calcium, leucine, etc. It helps to build muscles in the body after destroying old and dead ones. This regeneration of muscles keeps the shape of the body intact and retains its freshness. Thus, milk is a complete drink for all and must be taken regularly to keep yourself young.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice

Fresh grapefruit juice helps in maintaining and retaining body weight and healthy skin. Grapefruit is rich in lycopene which is very essential for glowing and radiant skin. It also dynamizes the production of skin collagen that lends smoothness, and elasticity. It is also good for the treatment of pigments as the retinol antioxidant makes the skin soft and renews damaged cells. The potassium helps to protect the skin from UV rays.

Carrot juice

Carrots are very rich in antioxidants and minerals. It contains a special compound named Luteolin that helps in maintaining good mental health. It is also rich in vitamin A. Carrot juice relieves one from stress and fights sun damage. Carotenoids present in carrots protect and condition the skin.



Finally, we come to the magic drink, which is water. Water is the most important fluid that must be consumed in good amounts to keep your skin glowing from the inside keeping it youthful and radiant. If one intakes eight glasses of water every day one would definitely have glowing and beautiful skin. Water keeps the skin moist and retains the elasticity of the skin and helps to maintain its youth.

Beetroot juice

Beetroot juice purifies the blood and is a powerful antioxidant and thus prevents premature ageing. It is very effective in treating skin inflammations like pimples and acne. Regular consumption will give you a fair and glowing complexion. It prevents wrinkles, and blemishes and the skin is conditioned naturally with folate. The different vitamin complex groups promote healthy skin.



Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with water, tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. It’s naturally packed with probiotics, which help restore the balance of friendly bacteria in your gut. When you drink kombucha, you’re consuming healthy microbes that support your digestion and overall gut health.

So, choose your drink from the above-mentioned list and drink your way to beautiful skin and a healthier life. Just remember not to over-hydrate on any of them, mixing it up as much as you can.


Descript: Did you know that there are certain drinks, the intake of which can add some of the years to your mid-age? Here is just ten of them…

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