Ten Foods and Drinks That Are Good for Your Mental Health

There is an old saying that goes “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” but it turns out the way to a healthy mind is also through the same way! I’m not saying any of these ten foods and drinks will instantly cure your depression or BPD, but they might make you feel good inside and that will help your mind to get better as well…

Mental Health

High Quality Eggs

High Quality Eggs

The better the egg, the more omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins it has which will not only help your body uplift your mood but they will also help you to stay full for longer. You can consume them in a number of ways, but the better quality they are the better they will be for mind, body and soul.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

While most nuts contain small amounts of selenium (which has been shown to decrease levels of both anxiety and depression) it is Brazil nuts that have the highest levels of it. Just a small handful of them each and every day will make you feel much more grounded.



To be honest just about any seafood will help with your mental health because most seafood has iron, vitamin B12 and zinc all of which are proven to increase neurotransmitter production making your brain sharper and more able to handle stress.

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric Tea

There are countless teas that provide a mood boost, but none more so than Turmeric Tea. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers are thought to reduce cellular damage and make the brain much more able to form new-path ways over damaged of shocked areas making your memory much sharper.



Sadly ketchup is not part of this, but raw tomatoes have plenty of lycopene which has been shown to help with memory, attention and general concentration. When you consume more tomatoes and go to therapy you are much more likely to see results in your own self-esteem faster.



Just about any dark-green leafy foods will do the same thing, but spinach especially has been shown to have high amounts of folic acid, which is a great deterrent to depression and low levels of anxiety.



When it comes to water the purer it is the better. Pure mineral water is a good mood booster as well as its ability to clean out your blood making your whole body feel cleaner and better and this, in turn, makes your mental health most more established.



Porridge is a food commonly eaten as a breakfast cereal dish, but you can consume oats at any time and it will still help with your mental health because complex carbohydrates are wonderful foods to improve your mood quickly and long term.



Sadly I am not talking about pudding pots of it, more pure greek yoghurt that features potassium and magnesium, both of which help oxygen reach the brain and this further improving its ability to function.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

We finish this list with what might well be the best one of it! The higher the cocoa levels of the chocolate the better it is for you as it has been shown to help fight cognitive decline in older adults.

Do you know of any other foods or drinks that are good for your mental health? If you do why not leave a comment below.






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