Ten Foods For Better Dental Health You Need to Eat More of

Ten Foods For Better Dental Health You Need to Eat More of

The American Dental Association (ADA) agrees that eating tooth-friendly diets can help prevent tooth decay. Perfect oral health is the first step to perfect gut health which is vital to your general well being which is why many doctors will tell you about candy, carbonated drinks and other foods that are bad for your teeth.

However, there are two sides to every story, and eating the right types of food can improve your dental health by preventing cavities, and stimulating saliva to wash away acid and dangerous bacteria. Some of these foods also scrape away plaque protecting your enamel and gums. Furthermore, you should perhaps avoid sugary foods, soft drinks, candies, alcohol, and other similar items. When consumed regularly, these foods may even feed germs that cause tooth decay and gum disease in your mouth. Moreover, in such a case, you may also have to visit a professional similar to DeFabio Dental Design for treatments such as root canal, teeth whitening, dental bridge, prosthodontics, etc. Hence, it is essential to make sure you maintain oral hygiene to prevent pain and other dental issues.

Plaque is another oral ailment that the majority of individuals may have. And, if left ignored, it may escalate to worse problems that will eventually necessitate the assistance of Medicare Advantage plans. People buy medical insurance, for this reason, so they don’t have to pay for expensive treatments in the event of an emergency. Since Medicare Advantage plans in Texas (or elsewhere) typically cover such expenditures, it can be of tremendous assistance to patients who have no other choice than to seek expensive therapies to alleviate their discomfort caused by plaque.

Talking about plaque – it is a sticky, thin film of bacteria and other materials. It coats the entire surface of your teeth. Acids form when sugars or starches in your mouth come into contact with plaque. These acids can attack your teeth for up to 20 minutes after you’ve finished eating. Repeated attacks on the teeth’s surface can wear away the hard enamel. Consequently, this causes tooth decay. And, if not detected early on, it can be quite painful in the future, necessitating the services of an emergency dentist in Scarborough or elsewhere.

A huge portion of the diseases that affect your teeth and gums can be prevented if you eat more of the given below10 healthy foods and observe proper dental hygiene.

Yoghurt, Milk and Cheese

Calcium is an essential part of your teeth and gums as it keeps them strong and healthy. Cheese is especially good because of its high contents of casein, a protein that fortifies your enamel and helps gum cells repair quickly. Yoghurt also has probiotics that are good for your mouth as they multiply and help eradicate destructive bacteria hence preventing tooth decay. Milk also helps regulate the levels of acidity in your mouth which prevents the main cause of tooth decay from ever happening. If you’re unsure whether or not these foods will benefit your teeth, consult a dentist (for example, check orthodontics Vancouver). They may be able to assist you with your queries.

Nuts And Whole Grains

Nuts And Whole Grains

Nuts are not just rich in healthy protein and fat, they also have phosphorus which helps balance the pH in the mouth and that goes a long way in preventing tooth decay. Brazil nuts also contain selenium which is an antioxidant that helps in the repair of your body cells including gums. For your regular carbohydrates, you should eat more whole grain foods though as they don’t offer the ready sugars that feed mouth bacteria like other sweet foods.

Vitamin C-rich Foods

Vitamin C-rich Foods

Oranges, Tomatoes and lemons are rich in Vitamin C and yes Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid which is bad for your teeth. Your dentists will therefore advise you against drinking warm water and lemons in the morning because it brings the acid directly into contact with your enamel and that can be bad. However, Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect your gums against inflammation. Vitamin C also nourishes your blood vessels so that your gums have a sufficient supply of blood. Vitamin C also protects you against scurvy which could cause your teeth to start falling out.



Water is the healthiest drink you will ever have as it helps keep all the cells in your body going and your teeth and gums are not an exception. Water washes away food particles stuck between your teeth to prevent feeding harmful bacteria and causing cavities and tooth decay. It gets even better since water also helps in the formation of saliva, and a properly hydrated mouth with saliva helps keep harmful bacteria from multiplying in the mouth.

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables are superfoods that supply essential nutrition for almost every part of your body. They contain a lot of vitamins that act as antioxidants which prevent inflammation of your gums. Green vegetables also pack lots of folic acids that give your enamel a protective shield against acidic agents that erode it. When eating them raw in salads, green vegetables attach themselves to food particles between your teeth and also help remove plaque-causing bacteria.

Fibrous Fruits

Fibrous Fruits

Apples, pears, watermelons and coconuts are just some of the fruits that fall under this category and they are super-foods when it comes to dental health. Sugary diced fruits and juices don’t count here though because they have nothing beneficial to give your teeth. While chewing on these fruits, your mouth releases saliva which neutralize the acids left behind by bacteria in your mouth.



Tea is one of the few natural foods that contain fluorides. Fluorides help reverse the effects of tooth decay which is why they are used in the manufacture of toothpaste. Tea also has antioxidants that help prevent inflammation in your gums. Teal also regulates bacterial growth the in mouth, and like water, helps wash away some of it reducing chances of tooth decay. Over-sugaring your tea is bad though as it is likely to cause the exact opposite of these benefits.



Berries are tasty fruits and they are good for your health as they have Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Berries, especially dark-coloured ones also have another compound called polyphenols which form a coating around your enamel that prevent bacteria from attaching to it. Strawberries, cranberries and blueberries are all good for your oral hygiene.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Keratin is a protein that helps in the formation of your hair and nails but most importantly; your enamel. Sweet potatoes pack a huge dose of Vitamins essential for maintaining keratin which in turn helps build your enamel. The vitamins also act as anti-inflammatory agents. As compared to other carbohydrates, sweet potatoes are healthier since they don’t pack the quick sugars that feed harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Onions And Garlic

Onions And Garlic

Well, the breath that comes after eating onions and garlic isn’t exactly the best but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good for your teeth. Garlic and onions have antibacterial properties that help get rid of harmful bacteria from your mouth and between your teeth. You don’t have to chew whole garlic to get these benefits though, just a moderate quantity in your salads and regular food will do.

Do you know of any other foods or drinks that are good for our teeth and gums? If you do why not tell us about them in the comments below.

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