Ten Foods That Have Been Proven To Increase The Risk of Getting Cancer

Ten Foods That Have Been Proven To Increase The Risk of Getting Cancer
Ten Foods That Have Been Proven To Increase The Risk of Getting Cancer

While there is nothing you can do to make sure you never catch cancer there are some things you can do that will reduce the risk of getting it. By reducing your intake of these ten foods or cutting them out of your diet all together you can reduce the risk of getting cancer by up to 50%! Yes, that really is the high amount of risk these foods cause. As they always say everything in moderation and you should definitely be moderating your intake of these…



Genetically Modified Crops
Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically Modified Crops

While nothing has been proven to be fact most scientists will advise you not to eat anything that is GMO (Genetically Modified Food) until a lot more testing has been done, but yet you can find genetically modified crops as an ingredient in thousands of products! So do be sure to keep an eye out for it and if in doubt always resort to making the foods yourself as that way you will know for sure what is going into it.

Microwave Popcorn
Microwave Popcorn

Microwave Popcorn

It might be seen as a light alternative snack to most people, but this is one of the worst foods for causing cancer cells to grow. From the chemicals in the bag to the artificial butter and in most cases Genetically Modified kernels! If you really do like popcorn you really should make it yourself.

Canned Vegetables
Canned Vegetables

Canned Vegetables

You might believe that all vegetables are good for you, but that is simply not the case when it comes to canned vegetables. It is not so much the vegetables themselves, but it is the water they are sat in and the cans lining itself. If you really don’t like any other vegetables other than tinned just make sure you wash them thoroughly before use.

Hot Dogs
Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs

It’s not really fair just to pick on hotdogs alone as just about all processed meats have been proven to cause cancer in people. While I won’t go into the gorry chemical details all I will tell you is its best to eat low-fat organic sausages (that will taste a lot better) than those tinned or jar hotdog sausages.

Refined Sugar
Refined Sugar

Refined Sugar

If you don’t know what refined sugar is it is the sugar that goes into your baking, your coffee and just about anything else you sprinkle it over. Even brown refined sugar is bad for you as they both a high source of insulin spikes that have been proven to feed the growth of cancer cells

Pickled Onions
Pickled Onions

Pickled Onions

Most things that come in jars feature the same preservatives that cause cancer because it is to prolong the products shelf life. Sadly it shortens yours and has been proven to increase the risk of cancer significantly over our lifetimes.

Fizzy Pop
Fizzy Pop

Fizzy Pop

Sadly there are no good options here. Be it Coke-Cola, Pepsi or those foul tasting brand owned fizzy drinks they call contain chemicals that have been proven to be bad for our health. In fact, some of the worst offenders of this are the so-called “diet” drinks that have double the risk because they often contain aspartame which is another cancer-causing substance.



Before you stop baking cupcakes for life it doesn’t mean all flour is bad for you, it’s just the most common type which is white refined flour. The reason refined white flour is so bad is that it is high on the glycemic index which much like refined sugar causes spikes in your insulin levels and thus the increased growth of cancer cells.



Not all salmon is bad for you, but anything that is considered “farmed” should be avoided. Sadly most the worlds salmon is indeed “farmed” and that means all sorts of pesticides and chemicals are consumed by the fish and then you. Sadly not all fish is marked as such, so you will have to read the label carefully or ask the manufactures.

Vegetable Oil
Vegetable Oil

Vegetable Oil

If you think this is the healthiest of all the cooking oils you are sadly wrong. They are often chemically treated to look, taste and smell better to us consumers and sadly that means it contains some rather nasty things that have been proven to alter the structure of our cell membranes.

While this list features just ten of the foods you should avoid to decrease the risk of cancer there are many, many more so if you know of any more do let me know in the comments below so we can share your knowledge with everyone.

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