Ten Amazing Facts About Beetroot You Won’t Believe Are Real

Ten Amazing Facts About Beetroot You Won't Believe Are Real
Ten Amazing Facts About Beetroot You Won’t Believe Are Real

Shortening a Beetroot’s name down to just ‘beet’ doesn’t give this root vegetable any of the credit it deserves. In fact, its a pretty amazing food and there is lots to learn about it that you might not know. To get you started I have picked ten amazing facts about beetroots that I am sure you will find fascinating…



FACT 1: Every Bit of The Beetroot Plant is Edible!

While most people will only eat the main vegetable body the rest of it is indeed edible. From the leaves, stalk all the way down to the beetroot’s roots. Some people who are not so fond of beetroot may consider eating supplements like Superbeets Chews (find them on https://serp.co/best/superbeets-chews/) to get almost all of the benefits it has to offer.

FACT 2: Beetroot Juice Has The Highest Amounts of Antioxidants

From all the other vegetables to all the other sources of Antioxidants, the beetroot has higher amounts than all of them. In fact, just half a beetroot a day will make sure your body has all the antioxidants and naturally occurring nitrates it needs.

FACT 3: Beetroot Has One of the Highest Sugar Contents of Any Vegetable

There might be a lot in a beetroot that is good for you, but it is made up of over 10% natural sugar! In fact, many people get sugar-rushes after eating one.

FACT 4: It Was Once Used as a Hair Dye!

Ever since the 16th century, beetroot juice has been used as a natural red dye for all sorts of things from clothes to peoples hair! Victorians hair must have smelt quite odd!

FACT 5: Before Litmus Paper Was Invented People Used Beetroots!

If you don’t know what a litmus test is it is a measure of the acidity of something. While it is more common to see litmus test paper you can indeed use a beetroot. The more acidic something is the pinker it will go and the more alkali it has the more yellow it goes.

FACT 6: The Worlds Heaviest Beetroot Weighed 23.4 kg (51 lb 9.4 oz)

Grown by Ian Neale from Shepton Mallet, UK it was a beast for sure and weights slightly less than a big bag of cement! It makes you wonder how much juice he would have got out of it!

FACT 7: The Worlds Longest Beetroot Was 7.956 m (26 ft 1.22 in)

Grown by Jow Atherton from Malvern, UK it was longer than even the biggest anaconda and bigger than most mini-buses! But I would be willing to bet it was mostly root.

FACT 8: Beetroot Plants Flower!

While most people would not have seen one the beetroot plant develops small, green or reddish flowers that appear in dense spikes. These are then pollinated by wind only.

FACT 9: Beetroot is a Proven Cure For Dandruff!

Not only can it dye your hair it can also cure your dandruff if you have it! While you will need to boil the beetroot to make the best of it is it one use you might not know about.

FACT 10: Beetroots Are a Popular Aphrodisiac!

While not as glamorous as say strawberries or oysters it does contain high amounts of boron which facilitates production of sex hormones. It was popular aphrodisiac during the Roman times, but even today some people swear by it. Who needs viagra when you have a beetroot!?

Do you know anything more interesting about Beetroot? If you do why not leave a comment and let the world learn from your knowledge.

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