Ten Human Foods and Drinks That Are Bad for Dogs

Ten Human Foods and Drinks That Are Bad for Dogs
Ten Human Foods and Drinks That Are Bad for Dogs

If most dog owners are honest, we treat our furry friends with more human food than we want to admit. When they have been well behaved on a walk? Give them a human treat. When they listen to what you tell them to do? Give them another human treat. Does that sound familiar?

That said, it is very likely that when you visit Dog Friendly Retreats or take a walk at parks, you would come across pet parents who might have done this at some point or another with their own dogs. But did you know that these human foods could be harming your dog? Well, it is true but not many pet owners know about this unknowingly.

Not harming them in the way that would mean looking at the Forbes best CBD oils for dogs list to give them these products to help cure them of their ailment, but actually killing them.

These ten human foods are all bad for dogs and even feeding them small amounts over time could cause your faithful friend real problems…


In fact, just about anything containing stimulants like caffeine is bad, but coffee is, of course, one of the worst and even allowing your pet pooch to lick the bottom of the cup can cause them problems long term.


Unless it is pet-friendly chocolate most chocolate these days contain a stimulant called theobromine which of course is bad for them. Even the smallest of chunks can cause massive problems in dogs that have not had it before.


It’s not just beer, in fact, it is all forms of alcohol that is toxic for dogs. So it might be funny to give your pooch a small bowl of beer, but it really doesn’t do them any good at all and longterm it can even result in early death.

Trail Mix

What’s not to love about a handful of trail mix? It has chocolate, grapes, raisins and even some nuts! Well, the problem is ALL those things are bad for dogs and just one small handful can result in your pet suffering from kidney failure, especially in smaller dogs.

Cows Milk

Dogs simply don’t have the enzymes needed to break down the lactose in milk which often results in them suffering from digestive upset. But there are other milk-like products like goats milk that they can drink and these days there is even dogs milk on the supermarket shelves (in the pet aisle).


You might think that just because veggies are good for humans, they should be good for dogs as well. While that is the case for most of them, there would be some exceptions. Let’s take corn for instance. Have you ever noticed corn in your own stools after eating it? It simply doesn’t break down very well at all and with dogs that is a real problem, especially if they eat a lot of it. That said, other veggies like beans and carrots should be okay. If you still have doubts, you can head online and ask questions like, “are beans good for dogs?” and get the guidance you need.


You might have the habit of feeding some food items every now and then from your bowl to your drooling pet, but it can prove very toxic in the long run. Especially because some of the spices which are completely healthy for humans to consume, can be extremely bad for dogs. In fact, some spices like garlic and bay leaves can even prove fatal for them.

Citrus Juice and Coconut Water

Even the smallest amount contains citric acid which can cause massive problems in your pets central nervous system, resulting in most of them with mild to severe stomach upset. Talking about coconuts, most coconut-based products can cause problems in dogs, but coconut water is high in potassium and this is far worse for them than even consuming the shell itself!


Avocado is not just a problem for dogs, it can be bad for birds, rabbits, donkeys, horses, sheep and even goats! In dogs, it causes cardiovascular damage even in the smallest of quantities.

All Animal Bones

The number one thing that causes death in dogs due to consumption is animal bones. They can choke on them, injure themselves on them and all sorts of intestinal problems can occur from your pooch munching on them. While it feels natural to give a dog the bones from your food you should at the very least keep a good eye on them while they enjoy it, but of couse, it is best they don’t have them at all.

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