The Iris of the eye is what gives it it’s colour. The presence of the pigment called “Melanin” is what determines the colour of the eye. This is why your eye colour can change through the formative years of your life. While the main colour of your eyes will not change much, using any of these ten foods and drinks will still bring about a surprising amount of change in the brightness, darkness and overall look of your eye colour…
This tasty tea has a natural soothing effect on your eyes which gives them a much brighter look than normal. It also has other used such as urinary infection healing and it is also an antiseptic! It is thought that the plant can also cure some skin conditions but there has been no official scientific testing.
Adding more organic honey to your diet is one to make your eye colour lighter. Honey is pretty great for your health as well so it is also worth eating some whenever you can.
The amazing tea helps your body’s stress levels and reduces hormones in the bloodstream and in turn, this will give your eyes a much warmer colour. While also used to relieve various gastrointestinal discomforts it can be used in various ingredients or just thrown into the bathtub.
There are far too many benefits to this amazing oil to go into in this post, but one of the more obscure things it can do is give softer hues to your eyes thanks to its high amount of linolenic acid.
There are many people who believe ginger has magical powers, but can it really change the colour of your eyes? Well apparently yes and it will give them a much lighter hue within just a few months of daily use!
The regular use of onions in the diet has shown to be beneficial in reducing colorectal cancers, but as a weird side-effect it can also make eyes much brighter and in some people, it makes them more reddish on colour as well.
The carotenoids and zeaxanthins in spinach can bring a touch of youthfulness to older eyes that can be extremely noticeable especially if you have not been having spinach in your diet before.
If you are serious about trying to change your eye colour using food alone nuts are the way to go. Large amounts of nuts in your diet will whiten eyes and make them look much lighter and brighter than they otherwise would.
Seafood is a rich source of all kinds of vitamins an minerals, but the ones we are interested in for the purposes of this article are phosphorous which can bring about significant changes on the colour of peoples eyes making the colour pigment in them much, much brighter.
Some meats are rich in various minerals like zinc and magnesium which are helpful in bringing about much darker colours in our eyes. So the darker meats you eat, the more the effect on the colour of your eyes!
Do you know of any other foods that can bring about changes in the colour of your eyes? Do let us know in the comments below.