Ten Things You Can Eat and Drink to Help You Sleep Better

Are you having some trouble dropping off at night? Have you tried everything you can think of to get a better night’s sleep like buying the best mattress in New Zealand, medication, or visiting the doctor after a prolonged period of no sleep?

At times, getting a good sleep depends on the vibe of the room. It could be as simple as the colour of your bedroom or the type of pillows you might be using that’s bringing you discomfort. If you’re thinking of a bedroom makeover, check the different mattresses and pillows (you might want to look for the Marriott pillow brand if you’re interested in a little luxury) that can be used to get a good night’s sleep.

Also, did you also know that maybe some of these foods and drinks will help you sleep a little better? Maybe it is what they contain and in some cases, it is more about what they don’t contain. But they will all help you get a better nights sleep if you consume them regularly…

Does Herbal Tea With Honey Help You Sleep Better?
Does Herbal Tea With Honey Help You Sleep Better?

Herbal Tea With Honey

While most people will say a nice cup of herbal tea is good before bedtime adding in a drop of honey will not only make that tea taste sweeter but honey also helps lower your bodies levels of orexin which will drop your natural alertness levels. You could even try mixing cannabis products into your tea to add an extra level of relaxation that will help you to sleep better. If you need to do more research then use resources like How To Do The Pot, which gives advice on women and weed and the best way to consume cannabis to make the most out of it’s benefits.

Does Kiwifruit Help You Sleep Better?
Does Kiwifruit Help You Sleep Better?


Kiwis are not just a low-calorie and nutritious fruit, they also have high amounts of folate and potassium which are proven to help you get a much better nights sleep.

Does Warm Cows Milk Help You Sleep Better?
Does Warm Cows Milk Help You Sleep Better?

Warm Cows Milk

Did your parents often give you a glass of warm milk before bed? Well, tests have proven that this is not just some old wives tale, it is really good for helping people of all ages sleep better! Full-fat cows milk is a natural source of tryptophan which is known to help induce sleep.

Do Bananas Help You Sleep Better?
Do Bananas Help You Sleep Better?


No, this isn’t a joke. Bananas are high in potassium which most people know, but what you might not know is potassium is proven to help people get a much deeper sleep than people with lower levels of it. So top your levels up before going to bed and get a much better quality of rest.

Does Cherry Juice Help You Sleep Better?
Does Cherry Juice Help You Sleep Better?

Cherry Juice

While you do need to make sure you are drinking nothing but pure cherry juice (not concentrate and nothing added) it does contain high amounts of melatonin which has even been proven to help people suffering from insomnia to regulate their sleep cycles! People tend to take cherry juice with other herbal supplements like 3 Chi CBD oil from cannabis dispensaries. Such supplements might also be recommended by physicians to help with insomnia.

Does Turkey Help You Sleep Better?
Does Turkey Help You Sleep Better?


While all poultry contains sleep-inducing tryptophan it is the turkey that has higher amounts of it and of course is much better for your health as well.

Does Passionflower Tea Help You Sleep Better?
Does Passionflower Tea Help You Sleep Better?

Passionflower Tea

Passionflower is another herbal tea that is good before bedtime thanks to its potential to reduce anxiety and rest the body. This, in turn, means you should sleep deeper and rest for longer.

Do Poached Eggs Help You Sleep Better?
Do Poached Eggs Help You Sleep Better?

Poached Eggs

While most people will eat this in the morning by having it before you go to sleep is also beneficial. Eggs are also a good source of tryptophan but adding the extra sleep power of a slice of whole grain bread makes this the perfect bedtime meal.

Does Prune Juice Help You Sleep Better?
Does Prune Juice Help You Sleep Better?

Prune Juice

While this is not for everyone’s taste it does have high amounts of melatonin which mean even the smallest of glasses before going to bed will help you regulate your sleep better which should be a much better nights sleep helping you feel relaxed and rested through to the following morning.

Does Cottage Cheese Help You Sleep Better?
Does Cottage Cheese Help You Sleep Better?

Cottage Cheese

While you will have to be careful how much you eat and what format it is consumed in it does contain a significant amount of casein. This milk protein is well known to help sustain overnight muscle repair meaning it helps the body relax for longer sessions.

Do you know of any other foods or drinks that help you sleep better at night? If you do why not let everyone know so we can share in your knowledge.

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