Ten of The Most Popular Types of Naan Breads

Naan is a round flatbread made of white flour. It is a staple accompaniment to hot meals in Central and South Asia, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, northern India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the surrounding region. It is a type of bread that is typically made with flour, yeast, and water, and it is often cooked in a clay oven called a tandoor. There are many different types of naan bread, each with its own unique flavour and ingredients. In this article, we will explore ten of the most popular types of naan bread…

Butter Naan

Butter Naan

Butter naan is a classic type of naan that is brushed with melted butter after it is cooked. This gives it a rich, buttery flavour that is perfect for soaking up sauces and curries. Butter naan is a popular choice for many people because of its simplicity and versatility.

Garlic Naan

Garlic Naan

Garlic naan is a flavorful type of naan that is infused with garlic and other spices. It is perfect for garlic lovers, and it pairs well with a wide range of dishes. Garlic naan is often served with spicy curries, as it helps to balance out the heat.

Onion Naan

Onion Naan

Onion naan is a savoury type of naan that is filled with chopped onions and other spices. It is a popular choice for people who enjoy a more savoury flavour profile. Onion naan is often served with creamy curries and other rich dishes.

Roti Naan (Whole Wheat)

Roti Naan (Whole Wheat)

Roti naan is a healthier version of naan that is made with whole wheat flour. It is a great option for people who are looking for a more nutritious alternative to traditional naan bread. Roti naan has a slightly nutty flavour and a chewy texture that is perfect for soaking up sauces and dips.

Keema Naan (Beef)

Keema Naan (Beef)

Keema naan is a type of naan that is stuffed with spiced ground beef. It is a hearty and flavorful option that is perfect for meat lovers. Keema naan is often served with tangy chutneys and other flavorful sauces.

Paneer Naan (Cheese)

Paneer Naan (Cheese)

Paneer naan is a type of naan that is stuffed with crumbled paneer cheese. It is a creamy and delicious option that is perfect for vegetarians. Paneer naan is often served with rich and flavorful curries.

Roghni naan

Roghni naan

Roghni Naan, also known as “Tandoori Naan” or “Tandoori Roti,” is a type of Indian flatbread that is traditionally cooked in a tandoor oven. The dough for Roghni Naan is typically made with all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar, and milk, and it is left to rise for several hours. Once the dough has risen, it is divided into small balls, which are then rolled out into flat circles. The naan is then typically brushed with a mixture of butter, oil, and sometimes topped off with sesame seeds.

Aloo Naan (Potato)

Aloo Naan (Potato)

Aloo naan is a type of naan that is stuffed with mashed potatoes and other spices. It is a comforting and filling option that is perfect for cold weather. Aloo naan is often served with spicy chutneys and other flavorful dips.

Plain Naan

Plain Naan

Plain naan is a classic type of naan that is cooked without any additional flavourings or fillings. It has a simple and mild flavour that is perfect for pairing with a wide range of dishes. Plain naan is often served with creamy curries and other rich dishes.

Naan-e roghani

Naan-e roghani

Naan-e Roghani, also known as “Roghani Roti,” is a type of flatbread that originated in Iran. The name “Roghani” means “buttery,” and this bread is known for its flaky and buttery texture. The dough for Naan-e Roghani is typically made with flour, water, and yoghurt, and it is rolled out thin and then folded multiple times to create layers. Butter or ghee is then spread between the layers, which helps to create the flaky texture. It is often served as a snack or with tea, and it is also a popular choice for breakfast.

Naan bread is a delicious and versatile staple in Indian cuisine. With so many different types of naan to choose from, there is sure to be a flavour and filling that will satisfy every palate. Whether you prefer a classic butter naan or a more adventurous keema naan, naan bread is sure to be a hit at your next meal. If you have tried any of these or enjoy a recipe of your own do let us know in the comments below.

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