Ten of the Worlds Most Popular Diets

Ten of the Worlds Most Popular Diets

Going on diets to lose weight can represent a real annoyance for many people, especially when we are not sure that the diet we are doing is going to work correctly and help us lose weight in an effective and real way. For this reason, we want to show you a list of the 10 most popular diets to lose weight from around the world.

These diets have been recommended by countless doctors, nutritionists and various specialists, showing that they are effective and manage to make a person lose weight correctly. So if you are thinking of going on a diet, but are not sure which one is right for you maybe choose from these ten more popular ones…

Anti Diet

It is a diet that does not prohibit any type of food but is characterised by controlling the amount of food and how they are combined.

Dukan Diet

Created by a famous French doctor, the Dukan diet is divided into 4 phases where the different types of food that can be eaten in each one are distributed, ensuring great weight loss.

Atkins Diet

This diet allows you to eat a lot of protein but prohibits eating all kinds of vegetables and legumes, ensuring that you can lose up to 4 kilos.

Anti-cellulite Diet

Very popular among women, this anti-cellulite diet is done just two days a week and is based on eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits that act as detoxifiers.

Mediterranean Diet

It is a fairly liberal diet that offers the possibility of eating many natural and nutritious foods.

Ten of the Worlds Most Popular Diets

Mayo Clinic Diet

In this case, the clinic with that name has created an excellent diet that allows you to lose about 800 calories in just 2 weeks without going hungry.

Soup Diet

A popular diet that has given good results when it comes to losing weight, is based on eating vegetable soup with numerous ingredients that help burn fat quickly.

Banana Diet

This diet is based on eating bananas combined with other foods that have large amounts of carbohydrates. The duration of it is two weeks and ensures very good results.

Montignac diet

It is a diet in which all foods that contain carbohydrates are eliminated except those that contain fibre since it helps to lose weight.

Scarsdale Diet

Proteins are highly indicated in this diet, avoiding those foods that contain carbohydrates, in addition to prohibiting drinks with alcohol, milk and oil.

And that is the end of our list of the 10 most popular diets to lose weight that currently exist from around the world. Have you tried any of these? Would you recommend any of them or another diet to everyone? Do leave a comment and let us know.

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