We all have that guilty food pleasure that you know is bad for you, but yet you smash it into your face like there is no tomorrow. But these ten foods take it to another level. These ten foods are not just unhealthy, they can be genuinely bad for you and therefore you really shouldn’t eat them. But yet, most of us do and never think it might be really bad for us. Please note that this is not a list of foods you should not necessarily eat altogether, more only eat them in small amounts…
It’s so easily spreadable and most of us will have it on our bread and toast. But it is not as light and healthy as you might think because many cheaper margarine spreads use “Trans fats” that are dangerous for us humans because they can lead to a build-up of bad cholesterol in the arteries, which increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes.
From their highly refined dough to all the processed meats and dairy products placed on top, even a fresh pizza is not good for you at all. Try making your own pizzas to make them a little more healthy.
Fizzy Pop
It’s not just full-sugar Coke-Cola that is bad for you, many of the soft drinks out there have high amounts of sugar and some even contain things that could kill a human if swallowed in large quantities.
I couldn’t tell you how many bowls of cereal I have munched on in my lifetime, but I always knew they were bad for me. From the high added sugar content to the processed grains they often use, none of them are great for you, but you can try reading the packet to choose one that isn’t so bad.
Deep-Fried Foods
It doesn’t matter what is deep-fried because even deep-fried vegetables are bad for you. No matter what is battered they all have tons of saturated fat because of the way they are prepared with the batter which can lead to problems with heart disease as well as obesity and diabetes!
Microwave Popcorn
Get ready for a shocker. Yes, most forms of microwavable popcorn called perfluorooctanoic acid which has been associated with thyroid gland disorders, cancer and lung disease! Popcorn as a whole is really good for you, but not so much in this form.
Canned Foods
It doesn’t matter what it is, soup, vegetables or tinned meat, no matter what you pick it will be bad for you in some way as most cans contain a compound called Bisphenol A, or B which is suspected of interfering with hormone levels and causing problems like early puberty and obesity. For those who like preserved foods, such as pickles that are usually packaged in cans, you can find out the recipe and prepare them at home. In doing so, you will avoid ingesting harmful chemicals. Furthermore, if you are making such homemade snacks, you can add distilled water, which can help keep the color and texture of the food. If you intend to prepare such foods yourself, you may want to seek out Golyath pure distilled water for preserving purposes.
It doesn’t matter what cake you buy from a shop as most of them will be bad for you in some shape or form. Packaged cakes are generally made with refined sugar, refined wheat flour and added fats. But making your own will help a lot of those things, even if they don’t combat the calorie count.
Sliced, White Bread
This is one of my own guilty pleasures and yet I do know how bad it is for me. White bread has almost no nutrients on its own and often has a high sugar content!
Yes, we end on a shocker because tofu has compounds called isoflavones which mimic the human hormone estrogen and which can cause issues with fertility and reproduction, puberty and childhood growth and development.
As we said at the start, all these foods are fine in moderation, but consuming too much of them can cause many of the problems we mentioned. If you know of a food that is bad for you, but yet we all eat it do let us know in the comments below.